
Sunday, August 31, 2014

"Summers End"

Working on a storyboard for my eBook.

The painting of a portrait.

I thought I would document my approach and thoughts on painting a portrait. In the initial stages, I usually sketch the portrait in with raw umber on a toned canvas. The toned canvas can be any warm color. In this instance, I used cadmium red diluted with mineral spirits. In the second half hour session I paint in the shadows and light areas.

Monday, August 25, 2014

In the studio.

Early Saturday morning, before I started teaching, I started this portrait. I toned the canvas with cadmium red and used raw umber, black, and cadmium red to start the painting. 1/2 hour in. I'll need a few more hours before completion--I hope

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Art Classes

Many times while teaching, I'll do a small painting of the work a student is doing. I think students gain more insight by watching a painting develop.